Friday, January 20, 2012

The Quickest Way to Get a Firm and Toned Butt

!9#: The Quickest Way to Get a Firm and Toned Butt

The Wrong Approach to Getting a Firm and Toned Butt

The worst way to get a firm and toned butt is to do "butt exercises". I'm talking lunges, kickbacks, all those various leg pressing machines, etc. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but working the glutes directly is not the key to getting a firm butt. This is the number one mistake I see women in a gym make. They perform tons of various exercises which target the glutes directly, but with very poor results.

You Need to Burn Fat Off of Your Rear End, to Make it Toned

Let me set the record can't "spot train" fat off of a body part. What I mean by this is that if you have an area of the body that is flabby, working it directly will not burn fat off of that body part. In every gym that I have ever been in I typically see men performing set after set of ab exercises and women performing endless sets of glute and leg exercises. This does very little in the way of seeing tone in those muscle groups. The best way to burn fat off of your body is to perform cardio exercise while eating less calories than what you burn each day.

The Most Effective Way to Burn Fat Off of Your Butt Quickly

There are two types of cardio exercises that are effective in burning body fat. The first type of cardio involves exercising at a steady pace and trying to train at around 70% of your maximum heart rate. This usually involves walking on a treadmill or Stairmaster for 30 minutes. This is the most common type of cardio performed. The second type of cardio involves alternating intense efforts with moderate efforts. This is called interval training. Interval training has been proven more effective at burning stubborn body fat better than moderate steady cardio.

A Simple Interval Cardio Workout That Will Tone and Firm Your Butt

So here is an effective cardio workout that will melt fat off your butt faster than traditional cardio.

1) Walk on a treadmill for 5 minutes to warm up

2) Run or jog for one minute

3) Walk for one minute

4) Repeat one minute of jogging followed by one minute of walking for 30 minutes

5) Feel free to use an exercise bike or elliptical trainer instead.

Tips: Try to speed up the treadmill a bit each time you hit the running section. The final one minute run should be pretty hard to complete. At the end of the workout your skin should be hot and you should be short of breath. This will increase the HGH in your bloodstream, which is the key to burning stubborn body fat like crazy. If you have only done steady cardio in the past, you are going to be very pleased with the results you get with interval training. You will blow past any fat loss sticking points.

Focus on Fat Burning to Get the Firm and Toned Butt You Always Wanted!

The Quickest Way to Get a Firm and Toned Butt

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Friday, January 13, 2012

The Dangers of Sharp Knee Pain

!9#: The Dangers of Sharp Knee Pain

Sharp knee pain is experienced not only while moving your leg but also while you take rest. This intense pain, if present for several weeks and is not caused by an injury, may be due to the chronic inflammation of the knee joint. A feeling of sharp knee pain is experienced while bending the leg while you are engaged in strenuous physical activities like lifting large and heavy objects.

Strong hamstrings protect the calf bone during knocks and falls. So it is important to maintain the strength of the hamstring muscles for protecting the knee joints and avoiding sharp knee pain. A serious type of ligament injury restricts mobility and can take a long time to heal. If there is a tear in your ligament which is used in the twisting and forward motion of the knee, you may feel a sharp knee pain with a ripping sensation or perhaps hear a pop in your knee. The knee joint will probably be painful to the touch and may quickly swell up with fluid.

In addition, your knee may give way and feel unstable while you try to stand up. This leads to a loss of confidence in the capability to walk and the patient avoid any attempts to regain mobility. In such cases, the joint and the attendant muscles get stiff and contribute to the sharp knee pain. Please remember that no one is asking the patient to undergo a strenuous exercise regimen, all that the patient needs to do is to walk a few steps every now and then to keep the joints from getting stiff.

A damaged tendon or ligament makes your knee more vulnerable to other injuries. Women experience ligament injuries more than men as they have larger pelvises and therefore have a large angle between the shin and thigh bones placing greater stress on the joints of the knee. This leads to a sharp knee pain, especially in menopausal women. Dietary supplements to increase the bone strength and maintain the suppleness of the muscles are recommended for women who have an issue with painful knee joints.

The first step in treating the pain in the knee is to identify the underlying cause of the sharp knee pain. Once this diagnosis is complete, the medical practitioner can rely on the appropriate treatment modules including laser treatments to repair the affected tissues to ensure that you do not suffer from the problem again in your life.

The Dangers of Sharp Knee Pain

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Horizon Fitness EX-79 Elliptical Trainer

!9#: Horizon Fitness EX-79 Elliptical Trainer

Rate : | Price : $999.00 | Post Date : Jan 07, 2012 10:12:06
Usually ships in 24 hours

Slim and tone with every stride on the Horizon Fitness EX-79 elliptical trainer with unique MaxTone™ arched pedal design. This innovative new feature promotes good posture, improves circulation, and activates your calves, legs, and glutes in addition to providing a great cardio workout. This SixStar Certified™ machine also offers a ZEROgap™ overlapping pedal motion, eliminating stress on your back and hips, and a long, 20-inch FLATellipse™ foot path to simulate higher speed activities like running. The EX-79 also features a 20-level power incline that enables you to train more muscles in less time. Equipped with Nike + iPod®, you can reach your fitness goals faster by saving your workout data straight to your iPod®. On top of it all, the EX-79 also offers 11 motivating programming options and a COOLfit™ fitness fan to keep you comfortable.

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